हमारे कार्यकर्मों में भाग लें

Aam Aadmi Sahitya

Aam Aadmi Sahitya

बहुत चाहा कि अपनी ज़िन्दगी में,पाइथागोरस थ्योरम लगा पाऊँ,
पर कुछ बना ही नहीं,
कैसे बनता, मेरे जीवन में
न तो कोई ऊचाँई(एल्टीटयूड) है
और ना ही कोई आधार (बेस) है।
मैं मेरे जीवन रुपी कर्ण (हाईपोटैन्यूस) कोमहाभारत के कर्ण की तरह
समाज में न्याय और सम्मान, नहीं दिला पाया।

ईदगाह प्रेमचंद की उर्दू में लिखी हुई कहानी है। यह प्रेमचंद की सुप्रसिद्ध कहानियों में एक है। इस में एक अनाथ बालक की कहानी बताई गई है।

‘गोदान’ होरी की कहानी है, उस होरी की जो जीवन भर मेहनत करता है, अनेक कष्ट सहता है, केवल इसलिए कि उसकी मर्यादा की रक्षा हो सके और इसीलिए वह दूसरों को प्रसन्न रखने का प्रयास भी करता है, किंतु उसे इसका फल नहीं मिलता और अंत में मजबूर होना पड़ता है, फिर भी अपनी मर्यादा नहीं बचा पाता।

बहुत चाहा कि अपनी ज़िन्दगी में,पाइथागोरस थ्योरम लगा पाऊँ,
पर कुछ बना ही नहीं,
कैसे बनता, मेरे जीवन में
न तो कोई ऊचाँई(एल्टीटयूड) है
और ना ही कोई आधार (बेस) है।
मैं मेरे जीवन रुपी कर्ण (हाईपोटैन्यूस) कोमहाभारत के कर्ण की तरह
समाज में न्याय और सम्मान, नहीं दिला पाया।
Sahil Bhatia Mohabbati

ईदगाह प्रेमचंद की उर्दू में लिखी हुई कहानी है। यह प्रेमचंद की सुप्रसिद्ध कहानियों में एक है। इस में एक अनाथ बालक की कहानी बताई गई है।

‘गोदान’ होरी की कहानी है, उस होरी की जो जीवन भर मेहनत करता है, अनेक कष्ट सहता है, केवल इसलिए कि उसकी मर्यादा की रक्षा हो सके और इसीलिए वह दूसरों को प्रसन्न रखने का प्रयास भी करता है, किंतु उसे इसका फल नहीं मिलता और अंत में मजबूर होना पड़ता है, फिर भी अपनी मर्यादा नहीं बचा पाता।

Aam Aadmi Sahitya

Bhot chaha ki apni zindagi me Pythagoras theorem lga pau, pr kuch bna hi nhi. Kaise bnta, mere jeevan me
na to unchhai(altitude) hai aur na hi koi base(aadhar) hai. Mai mere jeevan ke कर्ण (hypotenuse) ko
Mahabharat ke कर्ण ki trha samaj me nyaya aur sammaan nhi dila paaya.
Sahil Mohabbati

ईदगाह प्रेमचंद की उर्दू में लिखी हुई कहानी है। यह प्रेमचंद की सुप्रसिद्ध कहानियों में एक है। इस में एक अनाथ बालक की कहानी बताई गई है।

‘गोदान’ होरी की कहानी है, उस होरी की जो जीवन भर मेहनत करता है, अनेक कष्ट सहता है, केवल इसलिए कि उसकी मर्यादा की रक्षा हो सके और इसीलिए वह दूसरों को प्रसन्न रखने का प्रयास भी करता है, किंतु उसे इसका फल नहीं मिलता और अंत में मजबूर होना पड़ता है, फिर भी अपनी मर्यादा नहीं बचा पाता।
Shama aur Sheet ki Kahani
Ek Aakhiri Mulakat

Shama aur Sheet ki Kahani
Ek Aakhiri Mulakat

Our Published Writers
We are publishing Aam Writers and Poets on our Platforms. Send us your Write ups if you are writing something new in Aam Bhasha.
Celebrate Your Life With Us
Har Din, Naya Din, Naye Log
Are You Attending?
We are in love with Life. We are here to invite you in our weekly gatherings to mingle with new peoples, especially Writers & Philosophers.
We organise open mics every month both online and Offline. Join us now.
Celebrate Your Life With Us
Har Din, Naya Din, Naye Log
Are You Attending?
We are in love with Life. We are here to invite you in our weekly gatherings to mingle with new peoples, especially Writers & Philosophers. We organise open mics every month both online and Offline. Join us now.
Sunday, February 23, 2024
07:00 – 10:00
3H-47, Near DAV College, NIT-3, Faridabad,121001.
Contact: +91-8920715596, +91-7011074695
Mail: Registration@Shersharaba.com
Sunday, February 23, 2024
07:00 – 10:00
3H-47, Near DAV College, NIT-3, Faridabad,121001.
Contact: +91-8920715596, +91-7011074695
Mail: Registration@Shersharaba.com
Follow us on social Media
Follow us on social Media
Review From Writers
Best platform for new writers. I am associated with this platform since years and I am really happy that I got connected with this platform. This platform is not only Promoting Literature but also promoting Art and Handicrafts. Thank you Sher Sharaba for being with us.
Pragati Bachhawat
Poet and StoristI am associated with this platform from Heart because this platform directly touches your heart as it gave me a platform and support when was in amature stage of writing. I grew and succeded with the support of Sher Sharaba Platform.
Poet and PhilosopherI was really young to be a Poet but Sher Sharaba helped me to Learn Hindi and Other techical point of writing. I always got my writiing proofread when I ask Sher Sharaba for their Opinion and they guided me really well. Whole team of Sher Sharaba is a big suport for writers like me.
Nilesh Premyogi
Writer and StudentReview From Writers
Best platform for new writers. I am associated with this platform since years and I am really happy that I got connected with this platform. This platform is not only Promoting Literature but also promoting Art and Handicrafts. Thank you Sher Sharaba for being with us.
Pragati Bachhawat
Poet and StoristI am associated with this platform from Heart because this platform directly touches your heart as it gave me a platform and support when was in amature stage of writing. I grew and succeded with the support of Sher Sharaba Platform.
Poet and PhilosopherI was really young to be a Poet but Sher Sharaba helped me to Learn Hindi and Other techical point of writing. I always got my writiing proofread when I ask Sher Sharaba for their Opinion and they guided me really well. Whole team of Sher Sharaba is a big suport for writers like me.
Nilesh Premyogi
Writer and StudentOUR JOURNEY
We are working for common writers writing their emotions and experiences with us.
On 09/04/2020
We started
We started this platform for our buddy writers who loves writing from the core of their heart. We started our footprints from Instagram and now we have our own huge platform for all the writers who write in Aam Bhasha of Bharat.
& Still
We are working
We are always working to engage more and more people for a positive purpose of life which is to be happy at intervals from work. So we started Our News article to feature new writers
& Forever
We will work
We have started mny programmes to find aware about their mind, body and life so that people can connect in a better sense of understanding. Programmes like Tune Jo Na Kaha, Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe and so on. Under These programmes we have have published many series of episodes to watch on our youtube channel.
Our Brand Partners

Sahitya Yatri
They are one of the best Digital Art designer platform in India.

Webeside Institution
One of the best company to design your Graphics, Websites, Apps and for Digital Marketing in India. Webeside is funding Sher Sharaba since years.

Not declared yet.
Will be declared soon.